sources such as emails, cellular devices, IMing,social networking sites (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and videoconferencing (e.g., FaceTime and Skype) to initiate, maintain and even end romantic relationships. With the access to all of the various forms of social media, it’s no wonder that sexting is becoming increasingly popular .
Sexting, short for "sex" "texting", is defined as the exchange of sexual material (picture or text) shared via mobile device or through social networking sites. The word was first used by the media back in 2005. In fact, sexting’s rise in popularity put it in the running to be the 2009 word of the year by the New Oxford American Dictionary. Fast forward several years later and it is still gaining national attention - especially with teens.With approximately 25%-30% of the teenage population admitting to sexting, it's apparent that something is driving them to do it, but what?
Why are teens sexting?
Could it be the curiosity of what sex is like? Sure,curiosity may be a factor, but is that the only motivating force behind sexting? Not according to research published in Behavior & Information Technology. In a recent study surveying 498 adolescents ages 15 to 18 years, researchers found the following reasons for teen sexting:
individual to whom they were sending the sext. In addition, the more positive social pressure they had from romantic partners, the more they were inclined to do it. Interestingly, the following things did not affect a teen’s decision to sext:
The answer is as simple as this…peers. If there is no pressure from a romantic partner to sext, the odds of sexting decreases. Teens are highly influenced by what their peers think and believe. In accordance with this research teens make their decision based on what peers perceive is socially acceptable.
To deter sexting researchers suggested using awareness-raising initiatives that focus on peer pressure and the acceptability of sexting. Here are some of their preventative recommendations:
Journal Reference:
Michel Walrave, WannesHeirman& Lara Hallam. Under pressure to sext? Applying the theory of planned behavior to adolescent sexting. Behavior & Information Technology, November 2013.
News Break:
Android Smartphone app aimed at educating teens about the dangers of sexting:
Why are teens sexting?
Could it be the curiosity of what sex is like? Sure,curiosity may be a factor, but is that the only motivating force behind sexting? Not according to research published in Behavior & Information Technology. In a recent study surveying 498 adolescents ages 15 to 18 years, researchers found the following reasons for teen sexting:
- to get attention
- to lower the chances of getting STDs
- to find a romantic partner.
individual to whom they were sending the sext. In addition, the more positive social pressure they had from romantic partners, the more they were inclined to do it. Interestingly, the following things did not affect a teen’s decision to sext:
- negative pressures from parentsand teachers
- whether or not parents monitored cellular devices
- getting a bad reputation
- being blackmailed
To deter sexting researchers suggested using awareness-raising initiatives that focus on peer pressure and the acceptability of sexting. Here are some of their preventative recommendations:
- Integrate sexting in adolescents' sexual education
- Increase opportunities for young people to engage in discussions
- Teach adolescents how to cope with peer pressure
Journal Reference:
Michel Walrave, WannesHeirman& Lara Hallam. Under pressure to sext? Applying the theory of planned behavior to adolescent sexting. Behavior & Information Technology, November 2013.
News Break:
Android Smartphone app aimed at educating teens about the dangers of sexting:
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